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  • Causes for Carbon Buildup Around Your BMW’s Spark Plugs

    As the owner of a BMW, you are probably more in tune with your vehicle’s performance than most. The pride that comes with owning such a vehicle is not uncommon, and it is typical of Bimmer drivers to want the best care and support for the vehicle that they can access. Part of this is knowing when something has gone wrong with your vehicle and contacting support for it as soon as you can.

    Carbon Around BMW Spark Plug

    One of the issues that arise in BMWs, and all other vehicles, is the failure, malfunction, or interruption of the spark plug or its …

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  • Why do BMWs Need an Oxygen Sensor?

    Your BMW is packed with technologically-advanced systems that are at the very cutting edge of motoring engineering. Modern cars rely greatly on sensors within their various systems to ensure factors such as air flow, fuel injection, and handling. These components are precisely managed by onboard computers and sensors to maintain your high-performance engine. An important sensor your BMW relies on is the oxygen sensor. Oxygen sensors are important to the operation of your vehicle and serve several essential roles. In this article, we will look closer at the oxygen sensor, finding out what is does and …

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